Fotografia pierwszych Pilewskich w USA
Drogi Kuzynie Sławku,
Jeste¶ naprawde Liderem dzisiejszych czasów Rodziny Pilewskich na całym ¶wiecie.
Twoje poszukiwania Pilewskich na Linii Kazimierz-Jakub-Jakub-Władysław,
Klan Jakuba-Generacja 24 będzie bardziej uzupełniona.
W zał±czonym zdięciu znajdziesz długo zagubione zdięcie mojego Pradziadka.
Władysław Pilewski z swoj± rodzin±.
Na Pilewskich rodzinnym zdięciu z roku 1906 ( z lewa do prawa )
1. Mój Stryj, Michael Frank Pilewski (wiek 11) 1895-1985
2. Grandpa Wladyslaw Pilewski [age 40] 1866-1923.
2. Pradziadek Władysław Pilewski ( wiek 40 ) 1866-1923
3. Mój Stryj Leo Pilewski ( wiek 5 ) 1901-1988.
4. Mój Ojciec John Walter Pilewski ( wiek prawie rok ) 1906-1956.
5. Babka Katarzyna Buriak Pilewska ( wiek 32 ) 1874-1960.
6. Mój Stryj Joseph Kazimierz Pilewski ( wiek 8 ) 1898-1986.
Wszystkiego najlepszego,
Fotografia z około 1896 roku. Od lewej Kazimiera Politowska-Pilewska z Zygmuntem Pilewskim, Genowefa Pilewska,
Józeń Pilewski organizator POW na ziemii Skępskiej, zamordowany w 1914 roku przez Niemców,
stoj± od lewej Zygmunt Pilewski i Edmund Pilewski

Fotografia z około 1913 roku. Stoj± od lewej Helena Piewska, Genowefa Pilewska.
Na krze¶le, siedzi Maria Pilewska, stoi Wacław Pilewski.
Zygmunt Pilewski, ukończył Oficersk± Szkołę w Erewaniu, bohater Legii Rycerskiej w elitarnym oddziele
Konnych Wywiadowców, I-ego Polskiego Korpusu Wschodniego w Mobrujsku.
Następnie rezydent kontrwywiadu
wojskowego do 12-go wrze¶nia 1939 roku w Dubnie na Ukrainie.
Witold Pilewski, ukończył Oficersk± Szkołę w Erewaniu. W I-ym Polskim Wschodnim Korpusie był w elitarnej jednostce Legii Rycerskiej, Konnych Wywiadowców.
Podczas II-iej Wojnie ¦wiatowej był jeńcem wojennym w Niemczech.
Lato roku 1939. W pierwszym rzędzie od lewej na krze¶le, bohaterka rodu Kazimiera Politowska-Pilewska. Obok Alicja Drabińska, siedzi Maryla Drabińska, siedzi Halina Małkiewicz-Karbowska
obok niej Krystyna Małkiewicz-Stremler. W pierwszym rzędzie od lewej, Genowefa Pilewska-Małkiewicz, Zofia Pilewska-Drabińska, Antoni Drabiński stracony w niemieckim obozie koncentracyjnym,
Maria Pilewska-Pawłowska,
Witold Małkiewicz pilot, zgin±ł nad Szkocj±.
Rok 1942. Wacław Pilewski, kontrwywiad wojskowy. II-ga Wojna ¦wiatowa rezydent
w Esztergom na Węgrzech.
W roku 1946 w nieznanych okoliczno¶ciach, zagin±ł.
Lata 1960-te. Od lewj Henryk Pilewski, zast±pił rezydenturę kontrwywiadu w Dubnie.
Zygmunt musiał uciekać.
Zofia Drabińska, Genowefa Małkiewicz, Maria Pawłowska i senior rodzeństwa Edmund Pilewski.
Filip Pilewski Klan Józefa zmarł 1935 i spoczywa na Pow±zkach, tak jak jego żona Władysława i syn Romuald.
Żon± Filipa była Władysława Oranżewska córka Mikołaja Oranżewskiego i matki Gertrudy z d.Hanirich
( córka kolonisty niemieckiego z ziem tzw"głębokich" Prus )
Mikołaj Oranżewski był powstańcem z r.1863 i zesłańcem po jego upadku na Sybir, ale
po jakim¶ czasie powrócił, mieszkał i urodził się w Burakowie wsi podwarszawskiej, posiadał pewne
dobra z jakimi¶ młynami wł±cznie,ale czę¶ć jego majatku po powstaniu uległa konfiskacie.
Filip Pilewski służył w marynarce carskiej, czarnomorskiej, przez
5 lat w Hersoniu i Odessie.
Marian Pilewski, po zakończeniu II-iej Wojny ¦wiatowej służył w Wojskach Lotniczych jako mechanik silników samolotowych.
Romuald Pilewski, żołnierz kampanii wrze¶niowej 1939, po ucieczce z niewoli sowieckiej ukrywał się na terenie Prus do końca wojny.
Ryszard Pilewski, żołnierz Marynarki Wojennej. Uczestnik Powstania Warszawskiego w 1944 roku po jego upadku wywieziony do Niemiec.
Pierwsze imię to Filip Pilewski urodzony 25.03.1916. Został zamordowany przez Niemców 7.12.1944 roku w obozie
koncentracyjnym Außenlager Meppen-Versen. Był to podobóz obozu Hamburg Neuengamme. Numer obozowy :46724.
Jego nazwisko znajduje sie w aktach obozu. Naoczny ¶wiadek przekazał rodzinie informację, że Niemcy jeszcze żyj±cego pochowali.
Emigranci w USA
Bronisława Pilewska z siostr±
Mariann± Pilewsk±, siedz± Pilewski Józef z bratem ojca Julianem

It is a sad day as today the last of 10 children of Bertha Pilewski who married Anthony Zielinski has passed just shy of her 90th Birthday.
Her 6 sisters and 4 Brothers predeceased her
Her sister Francesca was the one who had reached 100 before her death.
My father Frank Leo Zielinski died after a fall where he struck his head at 88.
Peter, Walter, Adam passed before him.
His sisters Mary, Anastasia, Sophia, Josephine, and Francesca passed before..and today his sister Evelyn passed.
They leave many grand children and great grandchildren spread through America.
Dr. Glenn David Zielinski
Near Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Stoj± od lewej Jan Pawłowski, Henryk Pilewski, Janusz Pilewski, Bogdan Pawłowski, Edmund Pilewski
Siedz± od lewej Maria Pilewska-Pawłowska, Olga Szulc żona Edmunda Pilewskiego, Zofia Pilewska-Drabińska.
Na dole od lewej Alicja Drabińska, Halina Pożarycka żona Bogdana Pawłowskiego,
Zenobia Staniewicz żona Janusza Pilewskiego, Maryla Drabińska


Antoni Pilewski z żon± w drodze do USA.
Ur.1881 w Synogaci, syn Antoniego i Franciszki Furmańskiej.
Tablica 14
Pilewski1.jpg - is a picture of Ignacy Pilewski 16-Dec-1916
Pilewski2.jpg - is a picture of Josef and Julianna Pilewski 1873 - 1876
Pilewski3.jpg - is a picture of Stanislaw Pilewski 1918
Stephen2.jpg - is a picture of Catherine and Stephen Pilewski 1895 - 1896
Thank you.
Jill Fenstermaker

Ignacy Pilewski 16-Dec-1916

Josef and Julianna Pilewski 1873 - 1876

Stanislaw Pilewski 1918

Catherine and Stephen Pilewski 1895 - 1896

Aleksandra Pilewska razem z mężem Bronisławem Kamińskim w Suminku albo Bendorzynie.
Aleksandra Pilewska urodzona w 1888 w Suminku rodzice Antoni i Jozefa Koralewska,

Victor James Pilewski, 83, z Oil City, zmarł w ¶rodę, 10 maja 2017 roku, w Oakwood Heights z rodzin± u boku.
Urodził się w Oil City 15 maja 1933 r., Najmłodszy z sze¶ciu synów Jana Pilewskiego i Thecli Huefner Pilewski. W 1951 r. Ukończył Liceum ¶w. Józefa, nauczane przez Siostry benedyktyńskie. W czasie liceum pracował w sklepie Oil City Variety Store, Sam Magdovitz Beverage Company oraz w kopalniach na pół etatu na cmentarzu w Calvary.
Po ukończeniu szkoły ¶redniej uczęszczał przez dwa lata do Seminarium ¦w. Marka, a następnie przez dwa lata w Gannon College, oba z siedzib± w Erie w stanie Pensylwania. W 1953 roku wst±pił do Seminarium Matki Boskiej z River Ridge w Franklin w stanie Pensylwania. W 1956 r. Wst±pił do nowicjatu Misjonarek Afryki (Białych Ojców) w Alexandria Bay w stanie Nowy Jork i został skierowany do Studiów Teologicznych w Tunezji w Afryce Północnej, a następnie przeniesiony do East View Ontario w Kanadzie. W 1960 r. Został wy¶więcony na kapłana w swojej rodzinnej parafii ko¶cioła katolickiego ¶w. Józefa w Oil City. Podczas swego powołania jako misjonarz Białego Ojca Afryki służył w wielu miejscach, w tym w: Naszej Pani z Rzeki Ridge, Franklin, PA; Waszyngton.; Uganda, Afryka; i Onchiota, NY. Jako Biały Ojciec pełnił funkcję Asystenta Prowincjalnego Skarbnika, Kierownika ds. Inwestycji oraz Dyrektora ds. Finansów i Nieruchomo¶ci w prowincji, wymagaj±cego licznych wizyt w Rzymie. Po odej¶ciu z kapłaństwa kontynuował współpracę z Białymi Ojcami w Plainfield, NJ.
Po powrocie do obszaru Oil City obj±ł kierownictwo Goodwill Industries od kilku lat. Przez 15 lat Vic pełnił funkcję Dyrektora ds. Żywienia w Szpitalu Oil City aż do przej¶cia na emeryturę. Kontynuował działalno¶ć jako kurier dla US Cargo i strażnik dla okręgu Oil City School District. Był członkiem Rady Szpitalnej w północno-zachodniej Pensylwanii, członkiem IV stopnia Rycerzy Kolumba, członkiem klubu Pulaski, członkiem Izaak Walton League.
Vic został poprzedzony ¶mierci± ukochanej żony 37-letniej Mary (Kleck) Pilewski w czerwcu 2014 r .; i jego pięciu braci: Franciszka, Bernarda, Pawła, Edwarda i Jana Pilewskiego. Przeżył jeden syn, Victor John Pilewski, M.D., i jego dziewczyna, Lainey Mattox, z West Liberty, KY; i pięciorga dzieci: Joe Schwab i żona, Linda, z Oil City; Rachael Myers i m±ż, Joe, z Granger, IN; Liz Brewer i m±ż, Dan, z Erie, PA; Marj Kalamajka i m±ż, Jerry, z Oil City; oraz Doug Schwab i żona, Cindy, z Gibsonia, PA. Przeżył także siedemnastka swoich wnucz±t: Emily, Taylor i Hillary Schwab; Erin (David) Fifer, Sean, Sarah i Kathryn Myers; Danielle Vascovich, Ashley (Samantha) Brewer, Meagan (Isaac) White, John i Robynn Milewski oraz Ethan Brewer; Ryan i Sadie Kalamajka; i Katrina i Lauren Schwab, a także trzy prawnuczki: Connor Vascovich, Lettie Wi¶niewski i Liam Fifer.
Vic uwielbiał podróżować i biegle władał kilkoma językami, miał wiele zainteresowań, w tym pokera, podróże, polowania na jelenie i niedĽwiedzie, prace plenerowe, sprzedaż garażu, gotowanie mięsa (zwłaszcza dobry filet mignon), ¶ledzenie rynku akcji i popołudniowego Manhattanu . Jego najszczę¶liwsze chwile spędził ze swoimi dziećmi i wnukami. Przez wiele lat był komunist±. Był kochaj±cym i oddanym mężem swojej żony, odwiedzaj±c j± codziennie przez pięć lat w Oakwood Heights podczas ostatnich lat walki z chorob± Parkinsona. Był wspaniałym ojcem i dostawc± dla wszystkich swoich dzieci i będzie go bardzo brakowało.
Raymond Walter Pilewski

Cześć Sławku,
Ten człowiek był synem brata mojego ojca. To jemu bardzo spodobała się Twoja książka "Pilewscy - Saga Ostaniego Rodu Wielkich Prusów".
Wszystkiego najlepszego,
Raymonda Waltera Pilewskiego
20 września 1931 ~ 15 kwietnia 2023 (wiek 91)
Nekrolog Raymonda W. Pilewskiego (1931-2023)
Raymond Walter Pilewski, lat 91, król Prus, zmarł spokojnie w domu z kochającą rodziną przy jego łóżku w sobotę 15 kwietnia 2023 r.
Urodzony w Oil City, Pensylwania, Ray był synem nieżyjącego już Josepha K. Pilewskiego i nieżyjącej już Clary (z domu Łuczkowiak) Pilewski, oddanego męża przez ponad 63 lata Mary A. (z domu Olon) Pilewski, kochającego ojca Karen DiGenova (Salvatore), Scott Pilewski, Mike Pilewski (Lynn) i Cindy Vandergeest, dumny „tatuś" Matta, Alexa, Victorii, Christiny, Julii, Jacka, Meghan, Jonathana i Ryana oraz kochający pradziadek Logana.
Ponadto Ray pozostawia swojego brata, dr Roberta Pilewskiego, w Allison Park, Pensylwania i siostrę, Carol Bowser, w Glendale, AZ.
Poza tym Raymond miał dwie ukochane siostry, które zmarły przed nim, Irene Andres z Oil City w Pensylwanii i Joan Nicolas Still z Clarion w Pensylwanii.
Raymond był absolwentem Oil City High School w 1949 roku, aw 1953 roku dumnie zaciągnął się do armii amerykańskiej.
Służył w wojsku do 1955 roku i dosłużył się stopnia kaprala.
Otrzymał także Medal Dobrego Postępowania i Medal Służby Narodowej.
Po odbyciu służby pan Pilewski zapisał się na Carnegie Mellon University i uzyskał tytuł Bachelor of Arts w dziedzinie poligrafii z klasą 1961.
Następnie został kierownikiem operacyjnym w The Evening Bulletin, pracując tam przez ponad 15 lat i odchodząc z The Bulletin w 1982 roku.
Następnie założył własną drukarnię, QuickPrint Center w Chesterbrook, Pensylwania.
Był bardzo pobożnym katolikiem, uczęszczał na poranne Msze św. do kościoła Najświętszego Serca Pana Jezusa i przez ponad 55 lat był członkiem kościoła Matki Boskiej Opatrzności.
Był także członkiem Związku Narodowego Polskiego w Ameryce Północnej.
Lubił grać w golfa i tenisa, podróżować na wyspę Kiawah, rejsy na Bermudy, każdego lata odwiedzać nadmorski dom w Ocean City w stanie New Jersey ze swoją ukochaną rodziną i obserwować, jak liście zmieniają się każdej jesieni.
Był również znany jako niezła złota rączka. Miał dodatkową działalność, naprawiając prawie wszystko, nawet pomagając w konserwacji w QVC.
Usługi będą prywatne na prośbę rodziny, ale byliby wdzięczni za datki na pamiątkę na jego cześć dla Wounded Warrior Project, 7020 A.C. Skinner Parkway, Suite 100, Jacksonville, PA 32256, 1-877-832-6997, , Za aranżacje odpowiada The Bernard S. Gutkowski Funeral Home, Swedesburg, Upper Merion Twp., PA 19405, Keith J. Murphy, F.D., 610-275-6385,
Aby wysłać rodzinie kwiaty lub posadzić drzewko ku pamięci Raymonda Waltera Pilewskiego, zapraszamy do naszej kwiaciarni.
John J. Pilewski
1935 - 2021

John J. Pilewski, 85, of Latrobe, passed away Friday, May 7, 2021 at his home.
Born September 19, 1935 in Oil City, Pennsylvania, he was a son of the late John Walter Pilewski and Martha Mary (Walentowski) Pilewski.
In his youth, John was a member of Troop 7 of the Boy Scouts of America in Oil City, PA. He served on Summer Camp staff all through high school and rose to the rank of Eagle Scout and earned the Vigil Honor of the Order of the Arrow.
John was a dedicated member of Trinity Lutheran Church, Latrobe, and volunteered with its funeral team.
Prior to his retirement, he was the design engineer for Extrude Home, Irwin.
John served as a sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps.
He served his country during the Cuban Missile Crisis and as a Marine Guard on an aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean Sea during the Suez Crisis.
He served at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina as a drill sergeant. and as a radar-man on Marine jet and once had to bail out over the Atlantic Ocean when his jet plane had a flameout.
John enjoyed his daily walks at Westmoreland Mall and the many people he got to know there.
He was unselfish, always concerned about others and will be fondly remembered as a devoted husband and a loving father.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a sister, Julie A. King.
John is survived by his second wife, Cynthia (Sexton) Pilewski, whom he married on October 19, 1996.
His first wife, Johanna (Deutsch) Pilewski passed away years before. They had one son, Christopher A. Pilewski (wife Bonnie of Aurora, Illinois), and one daughter, Heidi Beth Pilewski/Geiselman and one grandchild, April Geiselman.
He had two grandchildren by his 2nd marriage: Erin Humensky, and Rachel Humensky.
John had three brothers: Norbert A. Pilewski, Ph.D. and his wife Charlotte, of Pittsburgh, PA, Walter J. Pilewski of Titusville, PA, and Jerome Pilewski, and his wife Joyce, of Pinehurst, North Carolina.
Family and friends will be received on Saturday,
May 22, 2021 at Trinity Lutheran Church from 10 to 11 AM at which time a memorial service will be held with the Trinity Clergy officiating.
Please be prepared to adhere to all current medical guidelines, including wearing a mask and social distancing, while visiting the church.
In lieu of flowers, the family suggests that memorial contributions be made to World Hunger, c/o Trinity Lutheran Church, 331 Weldon Street, Latrobe, PA 15650.
Arrangements are being handled by the Lopatich-Brinker Funeral Home, LLC, 601 Weldon Street, Latrobe.
Norbert Anthony Pilewski
I was born on a Thursday at 6 PM in the Oil City Hospital on December 15
th, 1938 to Martha Walentowski Pilewski and John Walter Pilewski. My mother told me years later that I had been born with a caul. Some cultures and traditions believe that being born en caul is seen as a sign of good luck for both baby and parents.
My brother John was the first born, then me, then my brother Walter, my brother Jerome, and then my sister Julie Ann.
Our family lived in the Polish community in my maternal grandfather George Walentowski’s large house on a hilltop in Oil City, Pennsylvania in the Polish neighborhood. Our house bordered on the woods and we kids spent our free time playing there.
My Dad worked as traffic manager in an office at the Oil City Glass Bottle Company. My mother had worked as a secretary for the Continental Refining Company. They both had attended Welch’s Business College in Oil City.
I attended the Assumption B.V.M. Polish-American Grade School and was an altar boy and sang in the choir. The Mass was in Latin and the hymns were in Polish. When I was 12 years old I, joined the Boy Scouts and reached the rank of Star.
I attended St. Joseph Irish-American High School and while there: sang in the Gregorian Chant choir, competed in oratory contests, worked on the student newspaper, and was co-editor of the yearbook. In my sophomore year, I left the Boy Scouts and joined the Civil Air Patrol and the Junior American Red Cross.
While in the Civil Air Patrol, I reached the rank of sergeant and became the unit’s adjutant because I could type (I had sat in on a typing course in high school and took a Summer course in typing at the public high school). My high school buddy, Richard Wromble, and I attended the Summer Civil Air Patrol program at Olmsted Air Force Base in Harriburg, Pennsylvania.
We flew down from Pittsburgh to Harriburg in an old WW II bomber and wore parachutes. At the base we lived in a barracks, attended classes and marched.
While in high school, I had a job at Wallace’s Book Store, cleaning up and delivering books. Later I worked as an usher at the Latonia Theater in Oil City. As an usher, I was able to see many, many movies for free.
My father died when I was a senior in high school. There was no money for college so I did the paperwork for enlisting in the U.S. Navy. I wanted to be a Pharmacist’s Mate on a submarine.
I had just about completed my induction into the Navy when I was awarded the Eckerd Drug Scholarship to Pharmacy School at the University of Pittsburgh. When I told the Navy recruiter, he tore up the recruitment contract, threw the pieces into the wastebasket and said, “Go to college, Kid, go to college” and I did and stayed and stayed.
At the University of Pittsburgh I worked as an undergraduate laboratory assistant in the Microbiology and Pharmacognosy Laboratories.
In 1961 I graduated with a B.S. degree in Pharmacy and a few months later I became a Registered Pharmacist in Pennsylvania.
From 1961-1963 I did research on False-Positive Alkaloid Reactions, Phytochemical Screening of
Paronychia argentea (Algerian Tea), and the Isolation of the Alkaloids of
Catharanthus lanceus.
In 1963 I earned a Master of Science in Pharmacognosy and transferred to the Ohio State University (OSU) to work on a Ph.D. in Pharmacognosy. I had a research fellowship at OSU and also, once I became a licensed pharmacist in Ohio, I worked in retail pharmacies to pay expenses.
In 1964 I married Charlotte Marie Kersavage whom I met while at the University of Pittsburgh and who was attending Nurses’ Training at St. Francis Hospital in Pittsburgh. Our son, Michael and daughter, Kathleen were both born while we lived in Columbus, Ohio.
In 1967 I graduated from OSU with a Ph.D. in Pharmacognosy. I had isolated codonocarpine, a member of an entirely new class of alkaloids from the bark of the Australian Bell Fruit Tree,
Codonocarpus australis.
In 1967 we moved to Pittsburgh and I accepted a position as assistant Professor of Pharmacognosy at Duquesne University. I would teach there for 40 years.
While at Duquesne, I founded the Medical Microbiology and Pharmacognosy undergraduate Lectures & Laboratories as well as lecture courses in Alternative/Complementary Therapies, Herbal Remedies, Toxins & Venoms, and History of Pharmacy.
In 1967 my pharmacy class size was 30 students for required courses. Over the years the class size kept increasing so that by 2005 my class size for required courses was 180 students. This kept me very busy.
Our daughter, Kathleen and our son, Michael, attended St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin grade school. Michael was in the Cub Scout Pack there and I was the Webelos Scout Leader. Later Mike joined Boy Scout Troop 276 at a nearby Protestant Church. I drove Mike to the meetings and became Assistant Scoutmaster then later I became Scoutmaster. Over the years, I served as Roundtable Commissioner, Unit Commissioner, Camping Committee member, and finally as Campmaster at Camp Guyasuta. I was in Scouting for 50 years and was awarded The Silver Beaver, Ph.D. from Commissioners College, Wood Badge the Order-of-the-Arrow Vigil Honor, the St. George Medal, the St. Joan of Arc Medal, the Bronze Pelican Medal, and the 50-Year Veteran Pin.
In 1994, I was awarded the ODK Duquesne University Teacher of the Year Award.
Each year, from 1995 to 2000, and in 2002 (in 2001 I was in Poland) I brought Duquesne University pharmacy and pre-medical students to the Ix Chel Tropical research Station in the foothills of the Maya Mountains of Belize for one-week of classes on Mayan herbal medicine taught by Dr. Rosita Arvigo
In 2001, I was awarded the 1
st ever Pharmacy Fulbright Grant to Poland for February to June at the Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. I was able to give guest lectures at Colleges of Pharmacy in: Krakow (Jagiellonian University), Gdansk (Medical University), Lublin (Catholic University), Wroclaw (Medical University), and Poznan (Karol Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences
Over the years, I was able to travel on travel grants from the German government to Hamburg, Lambrecht, Bonn, West Berlin and East Berlin when The Wall was up. I was also able to attend the Goethe Institute in Staufen im Breisgau in the Black Forest.
I was also able to teach Duquesne Pharmacy and Nursing students in two Summer School Sessions at the Monchsberg Academy in Salzburg, Austria.
1967-1973: Member, St. Norbert Roman Catholic Church.
1973-present: Member - St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin Roman Catholic Church, Whitehall.
1973-1978: Member – St. Gabriel Parent-Teacher Guild (PTG)
1975-1976: Vice-President – St. Gabriel PTG.
1976-1979: Member – St. Gabriel Parish Council.
1976-1979: Member – St. Gabriel Education Commission.
1977-1978: Secretary – St. Gabriel Education Commission.
1976-1983: Usher – 8 AM Mass, St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin Parish, Whitehall, PA.
1976-1977: President – St. Gabriel PTG.
1977-1978: President Emeritus – St. Gabriel PTG
1977-1979: Instructor – Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, 11
th Grade.
2008-2020: Usher – 8 AM Mass, St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin Parish, Whitehall, PA.
2010-present: Funeral “Resurrection” Choir, St. Gabriel ofs the Sorrowful Virgin, R.C. Church, Whitehall.
2005-2007: Dr. Pilewski was asked to continue teaching part-time at Duquesne, TOTAL OF 40 YEARS AT DUQUESNE UNIVERSITY
1945-1952: Assumption B.V.M. Polish-American Grade School , Oil City, PA.
1950-1954: Boy Scouts (BSA), Colonel Drake Council, Oil City, PA, Troop 7 (Tenderfoot), Troop 15 (2
nd Class, 1
st Class, Star)
1952-1956: St. Joseph Irish-American High School, Oil City, PA. (Newspaper staff, Yearbook co-editor)
1952: BSA, Order of the Arrow, Deer Rock Lodge #256, Camp Coffman, Ordeal.
1953-1956: Civil Air Patrol, Splane Memorial Airport, Fosters Corner, Oil City, PA, Sergeant/Adjutant
1954: Junior American Red Cross, Summer Program, Shadyside Academy, Pittsburgh (Fox Chapel), PA.
1954: Order-of-the-Arrow (BSA), Deer Rock Lodge #256, Camp Coffman, Brotherhood.
1955, August: Civil Air Patrol Summer Encampment – Olmsted Air Force Base, Harrisburg, PA
1956-1961: Eckerd Drug Company 4-Year Scholarship to Univ. of Pgh.
1956-1960: Summer Apprenticeship, Eckerd Drugs, Oil City, PA.
Fall 1957 – Emergency surgery for Appendicitis at St. Francis Hospital, Dr. Hermes Nunez, M.D. assisting at surgery.
Fall 1957, Spring 1958 – Home in Oil City, working at Eckerd Drugs, school postponed due to illness (appendix)
1960-1961: Pharmacy Apprenticeship, Presbyterian-University Hospital Pharmacy, Pittsburgh, PA.
1960-1961: Microbiology & Pharmacognosy Undergraduate Laboratory Assistant
1961-1963: Microbiology & Pharmacognosy Graduate Laboratory Assistant
1956: Kappa Psi Professional Pharmacy Fraternity.
959 – 1961: Sigma Pi Social Fraternity, Chi Chapter,
1961: Rho Chi Honorary Pharmaceutical Society.
1961 – B.S. Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh
1961-2007: Registered Pharmacist, Pennsylvania.
1961-1963: Part-time Pharmacist: Oakland & East Liberty Community Pharmacies (Sun Drugs, Thrift Drugs, Independent pharmacies)
1961-1963: Research on False-Positive Alkaloid Reactions, Phytochemical Screening of
Paronychia argentea (Algerian Tea), and Isolation of the Alkaloids of Catharanthus lanceus. Advisor: Dr. Norman R. Farnsworth.
1962, July 15th, Saturday: Met the love of my life, Charlotte M. Kersavage, at St. Francis Hospital, Pittsburgh,PA
1962-1963: Part-time Pharmacist: Magee Womens’ Hospital Pharmacy, Pittsburgh, PA.
1963 – M.S. Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh
1963-1967: Graduate Research Assistant,
Pharmacognosy, The Ohio State University
1963-1968: Registered Pharmacist, Ohio
1964-1967: Research on
Codonocarpus australis: Isolation of a new class of alkaloids.
1964-1967: Part-time Pharmacist, Star Drugs (Doc Herbie Solomon, proprietor) and 2 other Independent Pharmacies, Columbus, Ohio.
1964, September 5: Married Charlotte Marie Kersavage in Bellefonte, PA.
1965, July 24: Michael John Pilewski born.
1967, June 6: Kathleen Marie Pilewski born.
1967, December: Ph.D. Pharmacognosy, The Ohio State University
1967-1971: Assistant Professor of Pharmacognosy, Duquesne University, School of Pharmacy
1967: Pharmacy Class size = 30 students; 2005: Class size = 180 students
1968-1998: Faculty/Student Class Visits to: Eli Lily and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana, The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Parke-Davis, Detroit, Michigan, Abbot t Laboratories, North Chicago, Illinois, Mylan Laboratories, Morgantown, W.Va.,
1969-1973: Member -
Group Against Smog & Pollution (GASP) – Speakers’ Bureau - slide and filmstrip presentations about various forms of pollution to community groups.
1970-1991: Secretary, School of Pharmacy Faculty Meetings.
1971-1980: Associate Professor of Pharmacognosy, Duquesne University, School of Pharmacy
1972 – 1977: Adjunct Professor of Medical Microbiology and Public Health, Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science (PIMS).
1972-1977: Research on
Ailanthus glandulosa (Chinese Tree of Heaven)
1973: Moved to new house at 118 Audbert Drive
1973, July 13 – April 19, 1974: Part-time Pharmacist: Prospect Center Pharmacy, Inc, Stanford M. Rosner, Ph.G.
1975, April 20 - June 14, 1975: Part-time Pharmacist Gavin Pharmacy, Butler Street, Pgh.
1975-2005: Clinton Eddy Goodwin Memorial Scholarship Committee.
1977: Faculty visit, Hoechst-Roussel Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Somerville, N.J., June 1-30.
1977, July 17-July23: Summer Camp, Camp Tionesta, Assistant Scoutmaster Troop 276
May 3, 1977, October 8, 1977: DuVall’s Drug Store, Inc, Donora, PA.
1978-1983: Scoutmaster, Troop 276, Hamilton Presbyterian Church, Whitehall, PA.
August 16, 1978- September 7, 1978 : Lanza Pharmacy & Surgical Supply, Inc., Cochran Road, Pgh.
1978-1991: Childrens’ Hospital of Pittsburgh, Oakland, Thursday evening & Saturday Pharmacist.
1980-1985: Associate Professor of Pharmacology-Toxicology, Duquesne University, School of Pharmacy
1982, October 16: Order-of-the-Arrow, Kiasutha Lodge #57, Heritage Reservation,
1982-2009: Instructor, Standard First Aid, Adult CPR/AED, Infant and Child CPR, American Red Cross, Pharmacy & Nursing students, Duquesne University.
1982, October 18: Scouter’s Training Award
1982, October 22-24: Fall “Yosemite Sam” Camporee, Silvertip District, Camp Guyasuta, Cayuhoga Campsite (across Guyasuta Run), Communications/Signaling Station, Troop 276.
1983, September 24: Order-of-the-Arrow, Kiasutha Lodge #57, Heritage reservation,
1983-2010: Adjutant & Quartermaster, District Camping Committee, Silvertip/Steel City District.
1984, May 5: Wood Badge Beads.
1985: Bachelor Degree in Commissioner Science.
1985-2005: Associate Professor of Pharmacognosy
1986, April 25: Scouter’s Key Award
1988: Masters Degree in Commissioner Science
1989, July 2-22: “Berlin and West Germany”, Seminar No.892, Inter-European Educator Seminar (IEES) sponsored by the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (East and West Berlin, Luebeck, Hamburg, Lambrecht, Neustadt an der Weinstrasse, Schloss Hambach, Heidelberg, Speyer, and Strassburg).
1990: Silver Beaver, Presented BY BSA to Norbert A. Pilewski, Churchman/Supporter of Youth/Educator, Allegheny Trails Council, BSA.
1993, August 4-10, National Scout Jamboree, “A Bridge to the Future”, Fort A.P. Hill (Fredericksburg, Virginia), Jamboree Staff (Arts & Science Expo.)
1990-2005: “Study of Prescriptions from a 19
th-Century Pittsburgh Pharmacy”.
1991, January 6-12: “
A United Germany: Implications for the Future”, International Faculty Development Seminar, Council on International Educational Exchange, Bundestag Administration, Bonn and the Free University of Berlin, DANK Grant.
1992, March 3: Presidential Award for Faculty Excellence in Community Service, Duquesne University
1992, September 26: Order-of-the-Arrow, Kiasutha Lodge #57, Vigil Honor, Indian Name Genach-gi-hat interpreted as Oversear
1993, September 11: 42
nd Gilwell Wood Badge Reunion, Blue Springs Scout Reserve, Halton Hills (Acton), Ontario, Canada.
1994: ODK Duquesne University Teacher of the Year Award.
1997, June 2–June 27: Goethe Institute, Staufen-im Breisgau, “Learn German in Germany”, DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst) Grant, German Academic Exchange Service.
1997, June 28-29 (Sat,Sun): Bingen-Bingenbruecke and Ruedesheim-Eibingen, Germany, “Auf den Spuren der Hildegard” (“Tracing the Footsteps of Hildegard”)research into the life and healing practices of Hildegard von Bingen.
1998: “Ethnobotany and Therapeutic Uses of Herbs” Workshop, Wilson College, Chambersburg, PA.
1999 : 48th Annual Session, University of Utah School of Alcoholism and Other Drug Dependencies, Salt Lake City, Utah.
2000: Order of the Silver Mortar - The Grand Council, Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity.
2000: Amazon International Healthcare Expedition, Iquitos, Peru, Explorama Lodge, Napo Camp.
2000-2009: Health/First Aid Officer, Advancement Camps, Camp Twin Echo, 2 weeks each Summer.
2001, February-June: Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 1ST EVER Pharmacy Fulbright to Poland), (Guest Lectures delivered to Colleges of Pharmacy in: Krakow (Jagiellonian University), Gdansk (Medical University), Lublin (Catholic University), Wroclaw (Medical University), and Poznan (Karol Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences
2002, May 13-20: Belize, Poles, Xunantunich, Rio Frio Falls (Pine Ridge), Punta Gorda, Snake Island, Nim li Punit ruins, Beatrice Waight (midwife, healer), Leopaldo Romero (bushmaster), Juana Shish (midwife, healer), Dr. Rosita Arvigo.
2002, June: “Herbal Remedies”, Duquesne University students, Schloss Moenchsberg Study Abroad Center, Salzburg, Austria
2003, May 23: “Plant Drugs That Changed the World”, Ix Chel Tropical research Station, San Ignacio, Belize, Central America.
2003: Symposium on Botanical Medicines-Medicines from the Earth, Blue Ridge Assembly, Black Mountain, North Carolina.
2004, May 27 – June 10: Krakow, Poland, “ Herbal Remedies”, Intercultural Teaching,
American and Polish students, Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University.
2004, June 10 – June 24: Salzburg, Austria, “ Herbal Remedies”, American Students, Schloss Moenchsberg Akademie.
2005, Summer: “Dr. Pilewski Retires ”, Pharmacy News, page 17, Duquesne University.
2005-2007: Dr. Pilewski was asked to continue teaching part-time at Duquesne, TOTAL OF 40 YEARS AT DUQUENE UNIV.
2009, May 19: “A Guide for Camp Health Officers”, by Norbert A. Pilewski, Commissioners’ College Ph.D. Thesis, Heritage Scout Reservation, GPC, BSA, 44 pp.
2009, October 25: Ph.D. in Commissioner Science, College of Commissioner Science, Heritage Reservation, Eagle Base.
2009-2021: BSA - Campmaster, Camp Guyasuta, Sharpsburgh, PA.
2010, April 25:
St. Joan of Arc Award/Medal, 56
th Annual Scout Convocation, 2 PM, St. Paul Cathedral, Oakland
2010: St. George Medal, Catholic Scouting Award
2010-2015: Member - Catholic Committee on Scouting.
2014, Bronze Pelican Medal , Catholic Committee on Scouting.

This picture shows “The Point” where the 3 rivers come together (Allegheny, Monongahela and Ohio Rivers) and the downtown area of Pittsburgh. We live 3 miles away and to the right of the photograph, in the South Hills. Duquesne University is located on a hill about 1/4 mile from The Point overlooking the Monongahela River.
Wszystkiego najlepszego,
Hi Slawek,
First Neil sent an email to Norb, Norb answered, and after a few back-and-forth emails, we met at our Eat-N’-Park restaurant in the South Hills of Pittsburgh (Neil and his Father live in the North Hills of Pittsburgh).
Neil is 31, married, and has 2 little girls named Madison and Amelia.
His wife is pregnant, due in July, and he's hoping for a boy.
He is a financial advisor, helping people secure loans at a business on Stanwix Street downtown Pittsburgh.
They live in Shaler Township, a suburb of Pittsburgh.
Neil has twin sisters, Natalie and Nicole.
Nicole plays volleyball!!
Neil went to the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Pennsylvania.
He was very enthusiastic about the Pilewski family history and Poland.
He found Slawek’s information on the internet, contacted him and got Norbert’s email.
Both Neil and his Dad, Tony, are planning to go to Poland, maybe next year, and they hope to meet Slawek.
An interesting note: in the 1980s, Charlotte had seen Neil’s grandfather's name (Tony’s father) on a hospital order form when she worked as a pharmacist at West Penn Hospital in Pittsburgh. [Charlotte is both a Nurse and a Pharmacist.] Charlotte went to Neil's grandpa's room and introduced herself.
Later Norbert came to the hospital and met Neil's grandpa also! Neil’s grandpa was a Pittsburgh PAT (Port Authority Transit) bus driver.
So there we were, in the restaurant, 30 years later, talking about it!
This man (Neil’s Grandpa) passed away in 1997.
We were glad that our son, Michael, was here from Germany visiting us and could meet Neil and his father. Together they were able to fill in some missing blanks in Mike's genealogy research.
Wszystkiego najlepszego,

Hi Family,
We had lunch at Eat-N’-Park today with Neil Pilewski and his father, Tony Pilewski. We are related! Neil contacted us. He has been reading Slawek’s computer posts about our ancestors in Poland. Neil has two little girls and his wife is expecting. Their great grandparents settled in Pittsburgh. Neil’s father and grandfather were both PAT bus drivers in Pittsburgh. They live now in the North Hills. Neil posts on Facebook.
All the best,

Norbert Pilewski with his Family

Hi Slawek,
My youngest brother, Jerome (Jerry), passed away.
Not too long ago, my older brother, John, passed away (John served in the US Marine Corp).
Jerry was the athlete of the family. When he was little, Little League Baseball came to Oil City. Jerry walked a long way up to the field where they were playing and was accepted in the team. As an adult he liked to play golf. Jerry's son is a golf pro. While in high school, Jerry played football and was such a good player that he was awarded a gold watch. He served in the U.S. Army and was stationed in Germany where he worked in an office in Bad Kreuznach. He told me that he volunteered as a paratrooper and made a few jumps safely while in Germany.
He will be missed. See Jerry's obituary below.....
Wszystkiego najlepszego,
Jerome John Pilewski, 81 of Pinehurst, passed away peacefully on Friday, January 10, 2025, surrounded by his loving family at First-health Hospice House, Pinehurst, NC.
Jerome was born August 21, 1943, to the late John W. and Martha Mary (Walentowski) Pilewski in Oil City.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a brother, John Pilewski, and a sister, Julie A. King.
Jerome proudly served his country in the United States Army.
After his career as production control manager with AK Steel and Braeburn Steel and supervisor of Tobacco Prevention and cessation with Mercy Behavioral Health in Pennsylvania, Jerome shifted his focus to his family.
He loved playing golf, bowling, Civil War history, and the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Jerome's greatest achievement in life was his family, and he will be deeply missed.
Jerome is survived by his beloved wife of 56 years, Joyce (Barker) Pilewski of Pinehurst, North Carolina; sons, Robert Pilewski and his wife Avis, of Cameron, North Carolina and Dr. Gregory Pilewski and his wife, Bianca, of North Little Rock, Arkansas; brothers, Dr. Norbert Pilewski and his wife, Charlotte of Pittsburgh and Walter Pilewski of Titusville; Sisters-in-law, Elaine (Richard) Smith, Townville, PA and Judy (John) Robbins, Lillington, North Carolina; Two amazing grandchildren, Cora and Isla Pilewski; and many wonderful nieces and nephews.
A memorial mass will be held at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Pinehurst, North Carolina and Celebration of Life will be held in March 2025.
Memorial contributions may be made in Jerome's honor to Weymouth Center for the Arts & Humanities, 555 E. Connecticut Avenue, Southern Pines, North Carolina and First Health Hospice House, 251 Campground Road, West End, North Carolina 27376.
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